Suggestions needed on how to start.

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    • Suggestions needed on how to start.

      I have had this dream about working in Game Development for quite a long time, but it was just a dream and I had no idea how to go about it.
      In my final year of University(Computer Science) I decided that it has to be Game Programming. I love the concept of programming and was always curious how games work. I am proficient with JAVA and have decent C++ skills, though I am not up-to-date with C++11.

      I have been reading GCC4 and I am into the third chapter, so, I would like to take a pause and confirm if it's the right approach.

      Should I continue with GCC4 and jump head-on in the nuances of Game Programming or do I need to work on simpler(essential) components of C++.

      My second issue is that I am a graduate now and have voluntarily opted to sit at home for few months, to develop my own game. Is that the right thing to do or should I get a job as an Software Engineer and work(on the sides) towards my dream.

      I prefer sitting at home and enhancing my abilities the best I can, but I could be naive about this.

      In India, Game Development is a fairly new industry and almost all of the development is for mobile based games, with some exceptions. I had a job interview for a Gaming firm, fresh out of college, and I made it through the final rounds of Technical questions and they suggested that I brush up my skills and if possible create some games. I know what I have to do but not how to.

      Any suggestions on the above mentioned issues or how to start learning, (and if possible)developing games at this stage.

    • Nothing beats experience, you can read all the theory, practice all the exercises until your eyes burn out and your fingers bleed. But experience is key. I'm no expert in the field, heck I'm still new to it, but my personal advice would be to create games in your free time, practice them, study how they work, the mechanics, the structure, and various different implementations of old games, such as Space Invaders, Pong, Breakout. This will help you to understand more about the basic architecture, like states.

      But I still suggest you actually get a job, to help build that experience in the field. A few years down the line, you never know, you'll be ready for it.

      Game programming from my experience is extremely rewarding and extremely taxing. I know, I'm taking a degree in it. GCC is an excellent book, with a lot of good tips, your fine to keep reading it, because in my opinion it's less about the implementation of the code, and more about the advice, structure and architecture. I can apply what I know from GCC into any other language, like Java, if I wanted too. (Well not ALL of it, but most of the concepts).

      Start with small games, building up your knowledge base, get experience, and continue your studies. Nothing else to say on the subject really, your doing fine. ;)
    • RE: Suggestions needed on how to start.

      My advice is pretty much the same. I'm the lead AI programmer at Maxis working on The Sims, which means a big part of my job is interviewing candidates and making the recommendation as to whether we should hire that candidate or not. If a candidate comes in without any professional game experience, they had better have a portfolio of personal projects. I've skipped over many candidates simply because they had no experience and had never made a game. The reality is that professional game development is a VERY competitive field. You have to show me something that quickly sets you apart from the dozens of other candidates I'm looking at.

      And when I say "make a game", what I really mean is "finish a game". Don't start it, don't show me tech demos with some cool algorithm, show me a complete, working game. It should have levels, user interface, art assets (they don't have to be good, just something to show me that you're loading assets from disk), sound effects, music, input, an options menu, credits, and all the little things that make up a complete, full game. This shows me that you can drive to the finish.

      Thedevsykes is spot on: start small and build your way up. My classic first assignment to budding game developers is Tetris. Sit down and make Tetris. It's a trivial game but it requires all the components that go into a full game. Graphics, sound, music, a main loop, etc. There are also one or two tricky parts, so you have to find an elegant solution to a few of the gameplay problems. Breakout is a good second game because it has all of those things but adds collision detection, levels, and power-ups into the mix. The third game should be a simple platformer (like Mario) or over-head action/adventure game (like Zelda). Keep building from there.

      If you work at it and dedicate yourself, you'll get there.
