Book Binding

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    • Book Binding

      Hi, Mr.Mike and Mr.Rez, I found the way the paper was bound on to the book, poor. Although the quality of the content of the book was invaluable and exquisite, the binding needs some work, I wish I had a camera on me now so I can send you a picture. Almost the entire 8th Chapter is removed from the book. It probably became like that because I used to bring the book to my school and my bag contains a lot of books and moves around a lot (and probably kids at school throwing my bag). I don't know if I'm the only one suffering from this problem, but if people aren't, then that just reinforces the fact that I am unorganized. I hope you can contact the company that manufactures the book and tell them about this issue. As soon as I get my hands on a camera, I'll take a photo.
      "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of gum."- Duke Nukem
    • I'm sorry to hear that. :( Unfortunately, the authors have absolutely no control over the physical quality of the product. I know that my copy is still in good condition so kl1x may be correct, you might have gotten a bad print. :-/

    • I'll let the publisher know - if you are able you should return the book to where you bought it and get a new copy. If sounds like a manufacturing defect, but it also could be wear and tear from energetic use.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot