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    • Just read this author for myself.

      For the game graphics object:
      * Should you apply the appropriate refactorings and design methodologies, you will find that a singleton is not needed. Further more, if you don't need more than one graphics object, don't create more than one.

      The author provides no support for this statement. I consider it opinion at this point.

      For the sound manager:
      * Much the same as the Graphics object, proper refactoring and design techniques will consolidate the (much duplicated) code required to deal with the sound manager to a small number of classes. Hence eliminating the need for a singleton.

      Again no support. This author suggests no alternative solution except to simply believe him. "Proper refactoring and design techniques..." If I was authoring my "opinion" and wanted to persuade others to agree with me I would support my suppositions with details, examples, and use cases.

      Well these are my opinions regarding this author. If you want me to support my opinions with facts, remember the rules, if its opinion, you don't have to. ;) (yes, that was sarcasm. I have the gift)

      Steve Jones

      The post was edited 1 time, last by smjones ().