I'm blogging...really...

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    • I'm blogging...really...

      Hey there -

      I just launched a blog - Tales From the Pixel Mines - using Wordpress. I intend to post some articles focusing a little more on production and management, and generally comment about the games industry.

      Worry not - I won't abandon the great community here at the GameCode forums! I'll come back here every day as usual, and make sure this continues to be a great place to come for game coding ideas and discussions.

      Oh - and of course all the other stuff we generally talk about too!
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • A blog, you say? Looks nice, except that the buttons cover up the title on Firefox, but only on the main page. Also, the nav links on the Services and Presentations pages don't work. (index.php instead of global.php) I snagged the RSS feed and put you two places below XKCD -- a place of great honor. Man, a Wordpress blog... what's next, a webcomic?

      I use Serendipity, just to be alternative. 8) Hey, uh... mind if I syndicate your dev articles on my site? (indiegamedev.nxvr.org) I just set it up a week ago... well, more like my friend sent me an email saying "Here's a sub-domain on my server, do something cool with it." So I decided to make it a game development blog anyone can register and write on, since I'm hardly an authority.

      Edit: I also added the page to StumbleUpon, with the review "Only the awesomest blog on game development, ever. From Mike McShaffry himself." It's the social networking site most likely to be interested, and I get a decent amount of traffic.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kibiz0r ().

    • Thanks for the QA pass on Firefox - man it can be TOUGH to get everything to look good on every browser.

      Dood thanks for the linkbacks, syndication, etc. I like being in the blogosphere!
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot