Compiling Problems

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    • Compiling Problems

      Hi, I am using the Physx 2.7 SDK and copied the files to the source directory as well as the DLL. However I am now getting these errors.

      TeapotWars fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'gamecode2d.lib'
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(786): error C2039: 'broadPhase' : is not a member of 'NxSceneDesc'
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(787): error C2039: 'collisionDetection' : is not a member of 'NxSceneDesc'
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\3rdParty\PhysX\Physics\include\NxSceneDesc.h(321) : see declaration of 'NxSceneDesc'
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(786): error C2065: 'NX_BROADPHASE_COHERENT' : undeclared identifier
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(781): error C2065: 'NX_MIN_SEPARATION_FOR_PENALTY' : undeclared identifier
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(850): error C2065: 'NX_VISUALIZE_BODY_ANG_FORCE' : undeclared identifier
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(843): error C2065: 'NX_VISUALIZE_BODY_CONTACT_LIST' : undeclared identifier
      c:\Projects\GameCode v2.2\Source\Physics\Physics.cpp(849): error C2065: 'NX_VISUALIZE_BODY_LIN_FORCE' : undeclared identifier

      I have no idea how to fix them and hope that you could give me a hand since those files are out of my control/knowledge.

      Edit: The errors are occuring in Physics.cpp

      The post was edited 1 time, last by starfleetrp ().

    • Good grief - maybe we should ditch PhysX altogether and go with something that doesn't change everyday? Maybe ODE?
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Originally posted by mrmike
      Good grief - maybe we should ditch PhysX altogether and go with something that doesn't change everyday? Maybe ODE?

      Let this be a lesson to those of you who write SDK's.... if you change them, we reserve the right to break your fingers while chanting "backwards compatibility" over and over.

      Mike, why not write a simple physics lib yourself? The physics in teapot wars isn't particularly complex.
