Back in the game!

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    • Back in the game!

      Hi All,

      I haven't posted on here in a long time. I've been very busy with work and play, hehe.

      Anyway, I was just offered an engineering position at a small company called SuperEgo Games working on their game Rat Race! It's been about 5 years or so since I've been in the gaming industry and I've missed it very much. It feels good to get back in the game, this time as a programmer doing some source management and writing automation tools. They also said it's a direct path into joining the core engine team. This means I'm one or two steps away from a dream come true (AI / game logic programmer).

      Long hours for crappy pay... Wheee!

      Time to brush up on STL...

    • RE: Back in the game!

      SuperEgo Games gave me a huge test, much of which was on STL. Some were simple, others were a bit more complex. Still, I had to look up the exact syntax for my solutions on the net.

      During the in-person interview they asked me several more STL-specific questions. I guess I should take this as a sign.
