Point me in the right direction

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    • Originally posted by Larrik
      those books are a bit overkill right now

      Nothin like jumping in at the deep end!

      My thing is that even if he isn't going to sit down and try to master everything in those now, they make good references. Especially the Programmer's Reference - it tells you what is in which #include.

      Plus, when he's ready to get down and dirty he'll already have a solid collection. I'm not suggesting he run out and get The Art of Programming (at $175 for the set it's a little steep for starting out anyway), just trying to help him build his library.

      Hell, I think some of those books are overkill for me!

      I need more math!

      "Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make some other poor sod die for his."
    • Just starting out is a delicate time. If he feels overwhelmed, he'll likely just quit. That, and a lot of programmers forget that coding is freaking hard, even simple stuff.

      For example, my fiance is a Graphic Design major, so she uses Flash. She's a very smart girl, but ActionScript2.0 was a bit overwhelming for her (Flash's documentation really sucks, minus a single O'Reilly book). When I first tried to teach her the concepts, it tended to be too much too quickly, and she retained none of it.
      -Larrik Jaerico

    • I won't argue that. I remember when I first started, most of the books failed to mention that you needed to manually grab winmm.lib for most of the things I was playing with (Teach Yourself Game Programming from Sam's). Nothing would compile and I thought maybe I was a complete idiot. All of the simple command line stuff worked, but for nearly a year I couldn't get anything really interesting to compile. Then I stumbled across it on a board like this and it was on, buddy!

      Still, I think it would be a good idea to have those in your library for reference. Study from them later, but use the index, Luke. That way he can still get things done and it'll be easier for him to find out which #includes he needs for what he wants to do.

      Just my 2 monetary units....

      Programming concepts can be difficult, true - but I cheated. I started out with 6502 assembly on an Apple ][+. Overwhelming? You bet. After assembly everything else seems pretty easy, until you make the mental switch from proceedural to object-oriented. That's another heavy gear-change.
      "Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make some other poor sod die for his."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nebuchadnezzar ().

    • Hey thanks for the book sugestions im reading mikes book right now most of it i understand there are some things i dont though =/. so i guess i should get a book based on c++ i have another book but it only describes how to use C++ to game code anyway thanks for ur sugesstions ill probably borrow some from my friend
    • Hey, Sorry i havent wrote back in a while my books finally came in and ive been reading mike's book like crazy. It's really intresting and ive been into it. I'm about halfway through it and im getting alot of info, although some of it is a little hard to understand i ask my friend about it and he explains it to me.
      So Thanks for all your help everyone and thanks for writing a good book im sure you guys will hear from me again when im done. Schools starting soon so ill be learning java then hopefully i dont get mixed up!

      Thanks every one.

      wonder if any one will reply to this thread it sure has been a while :D