(Rather) predictable PrimeSearch?

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    • (Rather) predictable PrimeSearch?


      I am experimenting with the PrimeSearch code-bit and I have modified it so that the a, b, and c integers used in the constructor are "really pseudo-random". (I have simply added a CRandom member, randomized it in every call to the constructor and get a, b, and c by assigning them to random.random(13) + 1 (or 7, or 5, respectively)).

      Problem is now, that for a set of 10 numbers, I often get the sequence:

      10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

      another favorite (albeit less frequently) seems to be:

      2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1

      Is this rather "unshuffled" ordering a problem of the algorithm itself? Could my modifications have lead to the problem (I checked CRandom: those numbers _are_ pseudo random)? What can I do to further enhance entropy?

      Thanks for any help!

      P.s.: Oh and: FANTASTIC book!! I think, I'll buy another copy, so that I can read it twice (and I'm going to tell all my friends --- wait... What friends, hmmm.... ;) ---- Just kidding! Great book!)

      P.p.s.: And another thing (I am usually typing faster than I think---that often kills me...): Mr. Mike, you are saying "why use -1 as bad flag when you can have something as elegant as an Optional class?" (or something to that effect) and then you are using -1 as return value if PrimeSearch::GetNext fails?!?! -- Talk about inconsistencies... [irony]And I am sure I am the first to notice and you have never heard of that before...[/irony]

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Beren77 ().

    • Nice catch! That PrimeSearch code that McShaffry wrote is very old. It was written before he ran into the guy that introduced the concept of optionals to him. I guess he forgot to run it through the update filter when he was crunching to get the book out on time. :)

      I think those numbers that you made pseudo-random need to remain prime numbers. Try replacing a, b, and c with other prime numbers instead of randoms.
    • Hmmmm... But in the original code, a, b, and c are defined as follows:

      a = (rand() % 13) + 1;
      b = (rand() % 7) + 1;
      c = (rand() % 5) + 1;

      (from memory; I have no access to my copy right now).

      So --- they are not prime numbers, are they?
      a is from 1 through 13 inclusive, but not neccesarily a prime number...

      Anyway: I'll give it a try and keep them prime... Thanks!
    • Embarassed??? Why??? *looks puzzled* -- There's hardly ever a need to be; certainly not for trying to help.

      I did try different random seeds.
      My (modified part of the) constructor of PrimeSearch looks like this (m_random is an instance of CRandom):

      a = m_random.random(13) + 1;
      b = m_random.random(7) + 1;
      c = m_random.random(5) + 1;

      This _should_ set the random seed each time the constructor gets called, right?

      I call the constructor in my main 20 times and I often get the unshuffled list (say maybe 7 or 8 times, and an additional 3 to 4 times the 2, 3, 4..., 1)
    • <comes back>
      You... you're right. I had a weak moment.

      So... to make sure I understand the problem, you are saying that replacing "rand" with "m_random.random" results in nonshuffled random pickings? And you are not getting the unshuffled results when you use regular old "rand()"?

      If that's the case, you think maybe it looks unshuffled because the size of your set is small? Just for kicks, try adding ten more numbers to that set to see if it still gives you unshuffled results with a larger set size.
    • Now I'm even more puzzled...

      I just tried the code on a different computer. And what I have found out now is that "time(NULL)" _always_ returns the _same_ number on that computer... That is: What I get here is a sufficiently shuffled list, but _always_ the same. Thus, at least at this computer, CRandom does not work either! If I use rand() in the code, I always get _one_ list, but this list is pretty shuffled. If I use CRandom, I get the list shown at the end of this post...
      Conclusion: there seems to be something wrong with time(NULL) --- at least on this computer. (Yes, I included <time.h>).

      Just to make sure that I don't do something horribly wrong, here is the constructor part of CRandom in all its beauty (I downloaded the source code from the forum and made my modifications---next thing to try: Run it without my modifications).

      Here's my main function:

      int main() {
      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      printf("---%d---\n", (unsigned int) time(NULL));
      CPrimeSearch cps(20);
      char result[256];
      strcpy(result, "");
      int number;
      while ((number = cps.getNext()) != -1) {
      char help[10];
      sprintf(help, "%d, ", number);
      strcat(result, help);
      result[strlen(result) - 2] = 0;
      printf("%s\n", result);

      and the constructor of CPrimeSearch:

      m_maxElements = elements;

      srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
      int a = (rand() % 13) + 1;
      int b = (rand() % 7) + 1;
      int c = (rand() % 5) + 1;

      m_skip = (a * m_maxElements * m_maxElements) + (b * m_maxElements) + c;
      m_skip &= ~0xc0000000;



      2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 0

      (repeat 20 times...)

      Strange, isn't it...
    • No need to apologize: I am rather busy myself...
      But what I found out is that I've been stupid... :)
      time(NULL) returns the number of _seconds_ passed since some day in 1970... Obviously, the snippet cited above runs much faster than a second, thus the seed is always the same.
      Ok. So much for that problem, but still: Several misteries remain (for example: Why do all the PrimeSearch numbers end with 0??). I'll investigate further and will post any results here...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Beren77 ().

    • Originally posted by Beren77
      time(NULL) returns the number of _seconds_ passed since some day in 1970... Obviously, the snippet cited above runs much faster than a second, thus the seed is always the same.

      Ohh and you were seeding it every time it looped instead of just once? If so your not alone, I've made the f**kup in the past. :D

      If you need to reseed for some reason, you might wannna check out this article about higher resolution timers:

      Credit to goes to Pan Narrans for pointing out that link.
    • Originally posted by Beren77
      Why do all the PrimeSearch numbers end with 0??

      Presumably so that the array is null-terminated, and therefore you don't need to know the size of the array seperately (Like a char[]).

      Gerry's right, you should probably only seed the random generator once in your entire execution time, unless you have a real good reason to re-seed it. Hell, I tend to allow myself the ability to manually set the seed, too. Helps in debugging...
      -Larrik Jaerico

    • I rephrase: "Why do all PrimeSearch numbers end with 0" was a bit of nonsense. What I meant was that I got the following number sequences when I called PrimeSearch:

      7 6 2 3 8 4 9 5 1 0
      8 2 6 3 1 5 4 9 7 0
      . . . 0
      . . . 0

      And the reason for it (yes, I found it finally!) is that the currentPosition variable in PrimeSearch is never initialized! It is first used in "GetNext" but never assigned a value before. Thus, it is always 0 at the first call and so I get those rather unshuffled series. I still don't fully understand why 0 is _always_ the last number, no matter which length I specify in PrimeSearch, but if I initialize currentPosition with a random value in the constructor (ranging from 0 to elements) it works just fine.

      So, to sum it up, I have modified PrimeSearch in three ways:

      - First I replaced the -1 return value with the Optional class; trivial.
      - Second, I now add a static CRandom number generator to the class and initialize it with a random seed. The initialization happens only once and so there's no problem.
      - Third, I initialize currentPosition with a random number from the above CRandom number generator.

      Now it works without any problems.

      Thanks for your hints and ideas, guys!