? Xna ?

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    • XNA Announced
      (IGN.com interview w/ J Allard & Dean Lester )

      Not another game API. Please no more, I cannot handle another API. I'm having a hard time already to keep up with the current ones. I am busy with the Linux Embedded stuff right now for work. I do not have time for these shenanigans.

      Do you Mr. Mike have any insight on this XNA? I think your at GDC about now.

      And what the hell XNA stands for anyways.

      In reading more about this XNA, it sounds it's an API for all the other API's. Man, my brain is about to pop (,stack and push)..

      The post was edited 2 times, last by EnriqueH73 ().

    • RE: ? Xna ?

      There is not yet a lot of information available for those of us not at GDC. Microsoft's site at microsoft.com/xna/ is very content lite - not even explaining the TLA. The impression I get however is that it is a replacement/enhancement for DirectX in X-Box/PC development. However one item on there does scare me bit.

      On the input front, as part of XNA, Microsoft will develop a common controller interface and unify input APIs and button standards across multiple platforms. The result will be a family of common controllers for Windows and Xbox game players.

      One of my problems with console/PC conversions/co-developments is that the input systems for the PC are often brain-damaged because of the lack of input options on the consoles. Does this mean it will not be possible to create games with rich keyboard input schemes in XNA? 6-10 buttons and no mouse - that's your lot!

      As for cross-platform development in general just don't get me started (Deus Ex 2 - Grrrrrr X( ).

      Maybe they're telling people at GDC more. If so can they tell us when they get back, please ?( .

      Alasdair Russell
      Gamma Testing - Where testing is extended to the full user community (AKA Shipping the Program)