setting up a TeapotWars_2010 project

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    • setting up a TeapotWars_2010 project

      Thanks to Trinak for some help.

      I would like to ask what I need to in Visual Studio 2010:
      to set up:

      Configuration property:

      Output directory->$(SolutionDir)..\..\lib\$(PlatformName)$(Configuration)
      Intermediate Directory->$(SolutionDir)..\..\Temp\$(ProjectName)$(PlatformName)$(Configuration)
      Debugging->Working directory->..\..\..\Game

      Is something that I am missing or some error in syntax.

      I am still confused how to set upGeneral-> Output directory and Debugging->Working directory.

    • I would advise that you stop keep opening new threads about the same subject, it can annoy people with the spam.

      That said, maybe I can point you in the right direction by explaining what each configuration item means. You should be able to figure the rest out for yourself, as we cannot tell you 'this must be set to X folder' as your file system will differ from mine, etc.

      Output Directory:
      This is where the outputs from the build go. This means the executable for teapot wars, or the library for the GCC engine. So, for example. If you set the Output Directory to C:\GCC\TeapotWars, the path to your executable would be C:\GCC\TeapotWars\TeapotWars_2010.exe

      Intermediate Directory:
      This is where intermediate files go. This means the object files (those ending in .o) that are created as a part of the build by the build system. This will have no bearing n your ability to run the game, but it helps to set this to keep the intermediate files separate from the source files.

      Working Directory:
      This is the folder that the game is 'run' from *when you are debugging* and should contain all of the things that TeapotWars needs to run, such as the assets zip file, any .dlls and so on. For example, if you set your working directory to C:\GCC\TeapotWars\Game, and have etc in that folder, the TeapotWars_2010.exe executable will be run from within that folder, and will have access to everything it needs.

      Note that if you are running the executable manually (I.e. you are double-clicking the executable, instead of clicking on run) then the above settings do not matter. You will need to move the executable to the folder that contains the requirements (or move the requirements into the same folder as the .exe).

      These directories can be set up by following readme.txt. That will tell you what items need setting up and where the settings are. If you for some reason can't or won't read readme.txt, right click on the projects in visual studio and browse the project settings until you find them. They aren't difficult to find.



      The post was edited 1 time, last by peanutsandwich ().