Building TeapotWars_2010

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    • Building TeapotWars_2010

      Hey guys!

      I'm really struggling to build TeapotWars_2010. I thought it would build right out of the box, especially since Mike made the comment about authors posting code that doesn't compile. ;)

      Now I know my way around Visual Studio pretty well, but pretend for a minute that I don't. In fact it's probably best to assume I know nothing so the expectation bar is set low from the beginning. :)

      The readme file under trunk was adequate enough to get me started, but I'm getting hung up on DX11 errors. I tried including DX11 header files in GameCodeStd.h, but that just seemed to dig a deeper hole.

      I'm sure the project will build if all the pieces are in the correct place. I just need to know exactly what those pieces are, and where they are supposed to go. Some sort of step-by-step on how the author intended everything to be assembled, starting with DX11.

      I wouldn't be asking this if I hadn't already been at this for hours and I'm still scratching my head. Please help!
    • Which version of visual studio are you using? What are the specific errors you're getting?

    • Hi Rez, thanks for the quick response.

      I'm using VS 2010. I also have the June 2010 DirectX SDK installed.

      The errors I'm seeing appear to all be DX11 related. For instance, the compiler doesn't know what D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC is. I tried to fix this by including <d3d11> in GameCodeStd.h. I figured this wasn't the correct approach, because if it was I assume it would have been included in the first place. I just wanted to try the obvious. This approach results in a single error about CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo.

      My attempt to resolve this error was to include DXUTDevice11.h. This clearly wasn't the correct approach because the result is a number of errors, starting with LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D11DEVICEACCEPTABLE not found. Seeing as how this error traces back to DXUT11Device.h itself, I know I've hit a dead end. My assumption is that nothing is wrong with the header file, there is something wrong with my setup.

      In terms of the rest of the project, I believe I have everything setup correctly. I've added additional include directories for DirectX (<dxbasedir> = install directory for dx sdk):

      EDIT: I forgot to mention that I can build and run the DX11 SimpleSample.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by divxdev ().

    • Yup, I was about to suggest looking at the include & lib folders. :) Glad you got it working!

      Thanks, I'm happy you're enjoying the 4th edition! Let me know if you have any more questions.
