Simple RNG I built

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    • Simple RNG I built

      I was reading the section in the book about the random number generator and the pseudo-random traversal of a set, and I did some reading on the method itself (which is actually a form of a linear congruential generator), and so I built a generator from it. I'm not sure how well it works in larger scale projects, it may or may not be random enough, but in my testing it's around 3 times faster than the STL rand() function in release runtimes (it's actually significantly slower in debug runtimes, though).

      Source Code

      1. #pragma once
      2. /////////////////////////
      3. // Filename: CRandom.h //
      4. /////////////////////////
      5. //This file defines a simple pseudo-random number generator class. The algorithm
      6. //used is quite simple. It is essentially a linear congruential generator. It uses
      7. //64 bits, but there are plenty of functions to allow it to constrain the range.
      8. #define INCREMENT 0xe5b86046d8db09d
      9. #define LIMIT 1.0/4294967296.0/4294967296.0
      10. #define MULTIPLIER 4294967297
      11. class CRandom
      12. {
      13. public:
      14. inline CRandom()
      15. {
      16. seed=0;
      17. }
      18. inline unsigned long long GetRandom()
      19. {
      20. seed=MULTIPLIER*seed+INCREMENT;
      21. return seed;
      22. }
      23. inline unsigned long long GetRandom(unsigned long long range)
      24. {
      25. seed=MULTIPLIER*seed+INCREMENT;
      26. return seed%range;
      27. }
      28. inline unsigned int GetRandom(unsigned int range)
      29. {
      30. seed=MULTIPLIER*seed+INCREMENT;
      31. return seed%range;
      32. }
      33. inline int GetRandom(int range)
      34. {
      35. seed=MULTIPLIER*seed+INCREMENT;
      36. return seed%range;
      37. }
      38. inline double GetFactor()
      39. {
      40. seed=MULTIPLIER*seed+INCREMENT;
      41. return ((double)seed)*LIMIT;
      42. }
      43. inline unsigned long long GetSeed()
      44. {
      45. return seed;
      46. }
      47. inline void SetSeed(unsigned long long value)
      48. {
      49. seed=value;
      50. return;
      51. }
      52. inline void RandomizeSeed()
      53. {
      54. seed*=seed;
      55. return;
      56. }
      57. private:
      58. //A seed value, which should be 64 bits.
      59. unsigned long long seed;
      60. };
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      I'm sure there are things that could be optimized, and it may or may not be random enough for your tastes, but it's fast and it's simple. I attempted to make it appear more random by looping until it had a value less than 2^32, but then I realized that the range between 2^32 and 2^64 is enormous, and attempting to skip all those values is painfully slow. It was slow enough that I'm pretty sure it was an infinite loop or something. I suppose the randomize seed function could be better, but it might appear random enough for some people.

      It pretty much works almost like the pseudo-random traversal in GCC, because the form for linear congruential generators is k(n)=(ak(n-1)+b) mod c. So long as c and b are co-prime (I figured it was easier just to make b prime, period) and so long as a-1 is divisible by all prime factors of c and divisible by 4 so long as c is divisible by 4, it will traverse every single number in the set once before it repeats. C is 2^64, so all values are automatically truncated, which saves a modulo operation to constrain it to that range. You can mess with the settings if you feel like it, and feel free to offer any suggestions you may have.