Success #3 - Everything WORKS!

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    • Success #3 - Everything WORKS!

      Yes - I have the editor and Teapot Wars up and running using Visual Studio 2010, the June 2010 release of DirectX, and even Boost 1.45.

      Here's what I need to do next:
      1. Create 2010 specific versions of the solution files and put them up alongside the ones that work now for 2005 and 2008.
      2. Make sure 2005 still works (hopefully if it does 2008 won't be a problem!)
      3. Check in everything into the Google test branch - including an additional with precompiled Boost 1.45 libraries.
      4. Let you people wail on it a bit to see if I've busted anything.

      We're getting there.

      For those that want to fix things themselves, I had to do two things to get everything happy:
      1. Grab the new Boost and compile the libraries.
      2. Change the V(x) macros in DXUT to VVV(x) - there was a template in Boost 1.45 thread libraries that flipped out when I broght them together. Easiest solution for me was to just rename the offending macro, which should NEVER have been named "V(x)" anyway! Too likely some conflict will happen, as it did.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Ok it's probably a good thing to have a few people grab the test branch and see if 2010 works.

      You'll also need to download the file (which, I'll put up tonight) - it has the latest version of boost, compiled with VS2010.

      As always, you'll probably run into some problems - testing everything in all versions of the compiler in all releases, etc. is pretty involved, so like a good software company I'll release it early and let YOU guys test it! LOL.

      Seriously - go grab the test branch, and let me know if you find anything that doeesn't work.
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • Received an error when vs2010 tried to load the Lang project:

      C:\Users\Vaso\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\C++\gamecode3_2010\Source\Lang\Lang_2010.vcxproj : error : Project "C:\Users\Vaso\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\C++\gamecode3_2010\Source\Lang\Lang_2010.vcxproj" could not be found.
    • jmoak3, the express editions don't really support resource files, try replacing the text in strings.rc with something like:

      // Generated by ResEdit 1.5.4
      // Copyright (C) 2006-2010

      #include <windows.h>
      #include <commctrl.h>
      #include <richedit.h>
      #include "Strings.h"

      // String Table resources
      IDS_STRING101 "This is a string"
      IDS_QUESTION_WHERES_THE_CD "Please insert the game CD, and hit retry."
      IDS_ALERT "Alert"
      IDS_QUESTION "Question"
      IDS_QUESTION_QUIT_GAME "Do you really\n want to quit\n the game?"
      IDS_INITIALIZING "Initializing..."
      IDS_OK "OK"
      IDS_YES "Yes"
      IDS_NO "No"
      IDS_TRYAGAIN "Try Again"
      IDS_CANCEL "Cancel"
      IDS_CONTINUE "Continue"
      IDS_RETRY "Retry"
      IDS_PLAYER "Player"
      IDS_WAITING "Waiting for Players..."
      IDS_RUNNING "Game In Progress!"
      IDS_LOADING "Loading Game..."
      IDS_NOPHYSICS "Physics Has Been Disabled... This Game Will Be Boring."
      IDS_CONTROLS_HEADER "Controls (F1 to hide):"
      IDS_CONTROLS "Move: WASD\nFire: Left Mouse Button\nF9: Control Teapot\nF11: Free camera\nQuit: ESC"
      IDS_CAMERA_LOCATION "Camera location: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f"
    • Try building Lang project explicitly and make sure the working directory is set to ..\..\Bin....
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • A few issues in debug mode so far:

      need to add dx include directory for dxut10 library.
      some warnings, MSB8012, about the debug builds, results in a call for teapotwars.exe instead of teapotwarsd.exe in debug mode.
      needed to add ..\..\Libs to "Linker->Additional Library Directories" so that it could find zlib.lib.
      the working directory for the C# project is "C:\Users\Mr.Mike\Projects_Google_Branches\Test\"
      mix-mode C# projects can't be debugged on x64 processes when using a .net framework less than 4

      The post was edited 1 time, last by bad habit ().

    • I can get the Teapot wars project to compile but not run. The Lang project appears as unavailable and when I try to run it I am told its unable to start program because it can not find the exe.

      I believe these issues were already mentioned but without a solution. As I am knew to Visual Studio I have not been able to figure this out on my own.

      It would be very helpful for me if I could get this to run. Any help would be appreciated. I am using the most recent files from the SVN and such.
    • Hey out there - if anyone has grabbed the test branch from SVN and made fixes to files, do me a favor and post them so I can publish them?

      I'm not being lazy (well maybe just a bit), but I'm involved in bunch of stuff (like Big Brothers, Big Sisters, a Career Catalyst event, and preparing for a family road trip) that is keeping me from getting a few solid hours to really polish up the test branch before posting to main!

      Thanks all!
      Author, Programmer, Brewer, Patriot
    • So far everything, except the editor, works fine in both x86 and x64. Since the VOnRestore() is commented out in EditorGameView::BuildInitialScene() the geometry for the skybox doesn't get built, so the editor crashes. Calling VOnRestore() from anywhere causes an exception in CDXUTDialogResourceManager::OnD3D9LostDevice(). Has anyone found a solution for this?
    • Nearly sorted, it seems like DXUTCleanup3DEnvironment9() gets called before any of the games DX objects are cleaned up, adding a call to GameCodeApp's OnClose() method to the OnDestroyDevice() callback seems to have cleared up the additional d3d device references dialog popping up. Uncommenting VOnRestore() in the editor app now seems to work fine. Now I get warnings about allocated memory in teapotwars, haven't tried the editor because it contains a few errors, like trying to get a value from a null actor id.

      If anyone is playing around with the editor and having issues, make sure you add the caaling convention and the charset to the native methods.
    • I'm trying to download the test branch using TortoiseSVN but it says I need a username and password to be able to get the test branch. Is there by any chance another way to get it or is there something I might be doing wrong?

      Never mind I figured out what I was doing wrong. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Striker ().