string class....?

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    • RE: string class....?

      I don't remember the string class he uses. Can you post the interface for it?

    • Hi Rez,
      Thanks for the reply..:)

      Here is the string class..:

      #ifndef WM3STRING_H
      #define WM3STRING_H

      #include "Wm3System.h"

      namespace Wm3

      class WM3_ITEM String
      // construction and destruction
      String (const char* acText = 0);
      String (int iLength, const char* acText);
      String (const String& rkString);
      ~String ();

      // member access
      int GetLength () const;
      operator const char* () const;

      // assignment, comparisons, implicit conversion (support for hash tables)
      String& operator= (const String& rkString);
      String& operator+= (const String& rkString);
      String operator+ (const String& rkString);
      bool operator== (const String& rkString) const;
      bool operator!= (const String& rkString) const;
      operator unsigned int () const;

      // memory and disk footprint (support for streaming)
      int GetMemoryUsed () const;
      int GetDiskUsed () const;

      // Case-related
      String ToUpper () const;
      String ToLower () const;

      // Text is stored as null-terminated character string in memory. The
      // length counts all but the non-null character. When written to disk,
      // the length is stored first and all but the non-null character are
      // stored second.
      int m_iLength;
      char* m_acText;

      #include "Wm3String.inl"


    • RE: string class....?

      The interface seems nice and lightweight, but I don't really see an advantage over the stl std::string class. Why not just use that since it's standard C++?

    • The interface seems nice and lightweight, but I don't really see an advantage over the stl std::string class. Why not just use that since it's standard C++?

      That is what I was thinking....most other books I have read(all in fact...I think) all use standard std::string.

      Oh...bassically he says that its more efficient for streaming strings than the std::string..

      ..efficiency for real-time rendering and all that..
    • Every game I've worked on has used std::string except for Brain Quest. We used a very specialized implementation for performance reasons (this was a DS game that needed to deal with tons of strings). Then again, the first professional game I worked on as a programmer Barbie Diaries a few years ago. I'm curious what someone like Mike or Kain has to say about since they've been in the industry a lot longer than I have.

    • If your string usage is moderate, more importantly not changing too much, std::string is probably fine. Most recent implementations also have nice optimizations built in to reduce their activity in the heap.

      If you end up passing strings by value a lot, or mutating them a lot, or just have ridiculous amounts of text to manage, then you probably want something more specialized in your title.

      I've seen std::string ABUSE go HORRIBLY BAD though and kill title performance, cause memory leaks and severe fragmentation, and other ills. On a windows-platform game I worked on in '02 we saw the heap manager using up to 30% of frame time (over 10,000 heap actions per game frame) and while we did not get 100% proof it was the belief of the programming staff that it was the std::string instances being wontonly created all over the place, locally, that was contributing primarily.

      Before you go rolling a special string though, I'd say roll a special string allocation pool. Look up how to induce std::string (e.g. std::basic_string<>) to use a specific allocator instead of the default, and keep you string data in one memory pool separate for the rest of the heap.